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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

3D Printing of Metallic Implants

( Volume 5 Issue 4,October 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Tomasz Seramak, Katarzyna Zasinska, Andrzej Zielinski, Michal Gubanski


The fabrication of various elements, solid and open porous structures of stainless steel and Ti alloy is described. The process was started with the design of 3D models in CAD/CAM system. The 3D models were transformed into *.stl files and then the manufacturing process of the real structures by means of the selective laser melting with the SLM Realizer 100 3D printer was made. The paper shows the porous specimens made for possible application in medicine and the prosthetic bridges. The appropriate mechanical strength is the important property of porous structures for medical application and for curved prosthetic bridges it is necessary to take into account the thermal stresses, which appear during their SLM/DMLS manufacturing process.

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