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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

A Case Study of High-Rise Building Prevention from Storey Drift & Storey Deflection

( Marudhar Engineering College National Conference NCMESIT,November 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Javed Ul Islam, Krishan Murari,Vivek Kumar Meena, Naveen Kakrora, Sachin Meena


Staad-Pro, Storey drift, Storey displacement


In recent years, India has been considered as one of the disaster-prone countries in the world. These type of case studies are carried out to understand the behaviour and nature of the earthquake. These case studies are based on the soil property and region because according to these factors India is classified under various seismic zones i.e., 2, 3, 4, 5. According to researcher’s vertical irregular structure have more risk to damage by earthquake. In this case study, we are study about some of the methods that can be used to prevent the deflection in the high-rise building.  The structure that are resistant to earthquake are already constructed in the earthquake prone area: - Sikkim, India, which falls under seismic zone [4]. The structure is design and analysis on STAAD PRO software.

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