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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

A Comprehensive Review of Artificial Intelligence

( Volume 13 Issue 1,July 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Vipul Agarwal, Ankit Kumar Tiwari


Introduction of Artificial Intelligence, history of Artificial Intelligence, Evolution of Artificial Intelligence, Advantage and Disadvantage of Artificial Intelligence.


Artificial intelligence is a multidisciplinary field aimed at automating tasks that currently require human intelligence. Computer Author’s medical diagnosticians and systems that automatically tailor-behavior ware to specific user requirements are examples of recent AI achievements. Perception, Manipulation, Reasoning, Communication, and Learning are the key problem areas addressed in Artificial Intelligence  Perception is concerned with constructing physical world representations from sensory data (visual, audio, etc.). Manipulation refers to the use of articulating appendages (such as mechanical arms or locomotion devices) to achieve a desired state in the physical world. Higher-level cognitive tasks like planning, drawing inferential conclusions from a world model, diagnosing, designing, and so on are all covered by reasoning. The difficulty of interpreting and communicating information through the use of language is addressed by the communication. Finally, Learning addresses the system’s performance automatically improved over time based on the system's experience. Many key technical principles have emerged from A.I. that integrate these disparate problem areas and serve as the scientific discipline's foundation.

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