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World Journal of Research and Review

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A Correlation Study of Emotional Intelligence and Job Satisfaction with Special Reference to HDFC Bank Employees

( Volume 1 Issue 2,December 2015 ) OPEN ACCESS

M. K. Sharma, Neha Pandey


Dealing with the customers with a smile in most difficult situations is the prerequisite for the banking industry. Employees need to be more empathetic and understanding in nature. Emotional Intelligence helps them to keep a control of themselves when the situation is tense. It is essential for the success of banking sector that the employees are efficient and productive in the competitive work environment. Emotional Intelligence will provide a firm basis for the development of the leadership, team management, conflict management, effective communication etc. Many researchers have focused on the importance of emotional intelligence in productivity but not much has been done in analyzing job satisfaction. The purpose of the research is to study the emotional intelligence and job satisfaction of HDFC retail banking employees. Research tool used in the study is a structured questionnaire covering 3 sections: demographic, emotional intelligence and job satisfaction. It has been designed to collect the data of employees, using random sampling method from the HDFC Retail banking branches. This research paper aims to understand the association between EI and JS. This study is based on descriptive and exploratory research.The bank should undertake emotional intelligence audit at all levels in the organisation to identify EI among the employees. The bank should organize the activities to increase the interaction between employees so as to improve the relationship among them.

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