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World Journal of Research and Review

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A Durability and Strength Analysis of M-25 Concrete Using Tobacco Waste Ash and Bamboo Fibers

( Volume 14 issue 2,February 2022 ) OPEN ACCESS

Gagan Bansal, Dr. Vishnu Sharma, Mr. Sanjeev Sipani


Tobacco Waste Ash, Concrete, Compressive Strength, Fibers, Jute, Bamboo.


In this study development of concrete by making an efficient mix design with few mineral admixtures tends for high strength concrete. The development of the mix design method plays a key role in concrete technology. It involves the process of experimental determination of the most appropriate concrete mixtures to achieve maximum resistance with at least economic costs.

In India, approximately 750 mn kg tobacco production occurs tobacco annually. From this high amount waste is also produce which has a great potential for concrete technology. Tobacco waste ash is a material that needs to be investigated with its potential to show puzzolanic activity due to its properties such as fineness, amorphous form and high silica content. So it can be said that tobacco waste ash may be used in concrete as a mineral admixture.

In this Research, replacement of cement is done by Tobacco waste ash in certain percentage (25%) replacement and with addition of various percentages of Jute and Bamboo fiber (0%, 1%, and 3%) in concrete. By using the results of tests compressive and flexural strength of specimens were calculated.

The experimental results reveal that the compressive and flexural strength specimens decrease as the increasing of the tobacco waste ash content. And optimum compressive and flexural strength specimens are obtained as the increasing of the tobacco waste ash content. While no improvements were observed on the monitored properties of mortar specimens containing tobacco waste ash compared to control mortar, it can be suggested that the usage of the admixture providing ecological and economic benefits by consumption of this non-renewable waste.

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