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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

A Product Development Case Study of a Solar Operated Grass Cutter

( Marudhar Engineering College National Conference NCMESIT,November 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Amogh Sharma, Ashish Singh Jadaun, Firoz Khan, Rudra Pratap Singh, Vikash Sharma


Productivity, Lean, Performance


This paper deals with the Grass cutter using solar operator, the sun has been the major source of energy for life on earth. Solar energy is almost unbounded. The total energy we obtain from the sun far exceeds our energy demands. Ever since the industrial revolutions human have been dependent on fuels, electricity and wind energy. For human enlargement in many countries there is study and trials are going on the Solar energy and the wind energy, So we make our new concept solar  in these concept we cut grass with Grass cutter using solar operator system  on the agricultural products or on small plants in lawns and gardens. Grass cutter using solar operator can be described as the application of Radio frequency to power a machine on which electric motor rotate which in turn rotates a blade which does the mowing of the grass.

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