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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

A Review of Iran‘s Nuclear Negotiations with the E3 + 3 (2003-2015)

( Volume 4 Issue 4,April 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Javad Nikmoeen


Iran nuclear activities started from 1950. The first country that encouraged Iran to achieve the nuclear program and transferred this technology to Iran was USA while this country istodaythe first country that disagree Iran nuclear activities. Before occurrence of Islamic Republic of Iran revolution, west and specially USA, French and Germany were serious to cooperate Iran in this regard due to high benefits and communism influence possibility but after the revolution and independent policies of Iran, USA and some European countries disagreed Iran nuclear activities and Iran was accused to perform activity in the nuclear weapons field. Iran always stated that its aim from producing and developing nuclear research is using nuclear energy peacefully. No evidence has been found in inspections of atomic international energy agency indicating Iran's decision to produce nuclear weapon. Judges council of agency has accused Iran to have nuclear weapon in their issued resolutions since Iran has not given some information of nuclear sites of Natanz and Arak and they requested Iran to stop its activities in uranium enrichment and heavy water reactor in Arak center. However, Iran did not obey their request and decided to use its NPT right. This was reported to the Security Council and this council imposed heavy sanctions to Iran.This topic from 2003 to 2015 led to the longest political international negotiations in International Relations between Iran and the E3 + 3 and FinallyJuly 14, 2015 in Vienna, Austria they managed to achieve a comprehensive and final agreement on the future of Iran's nuclear program. Federica Mogherini, Europe Union foreign policy chief and Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iran's foreign minister in a formal meeting in Vienna in front of the media by reading a statement in English and Farsi announced that a final agreement on Iran's nuclear program have been achieved.In this study we have an overview of the negotiations.

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