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World Journal of Research and Review

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A Review on IOT Based Home Appliances Based On Cloud Intelligent and Tetris Switch

( Volume 8 Issue 5,May 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Nahid Anjum Gouri, Vipra Bohara


Nowadays, most switches require the user to be near it and controlled physically. The goal is to make a switch that would make it easier for the user to use. Considering both the practicality and accessibility factures, combining the appearance of a traditional extension cord with Tetris blocks as the design. By controlling the extension cord and extension module through a wireless network, and shaping the modules based on blocks in Tetris, the user can combine the blocks in any shape they want based on the scenario, just like the original video game! With this module, old electronic furniture can be updated to have the ability of turn on or off either remotely or on a timer, worrying about leakage or electric shock when the earthquake accrues will be a thing of the past. The module will turn off the power automatically to prevent electrical shortages leading towards a fire. Newer home appliances generally include an auto shut-down system, but the intelligent power switch allows remote control to multiple appliances at the same time, there will be no need of applying different setting on different appliances using different user-interfaces. If the electrical switch is connected to an “intelligent” furniture, then intelligent power switch can identify and communicate with the furniture for control. To enhance the convenience of life, Internet of things today is a famous research topic. However, different home appliances provide different functions and services. Hence, in this research, the IOT base Smart Home Appliances by using Cloud Intelligent Tetris Switch is proposed which including the Cloud Intelligent Tetris Switch, Cloud Home as a Service (HaaS) Server, and IOT based Appliances. The Cloud Intelligent Tetris Switch is proposed to achieve the power control and local data exchanging. In addition, the dynamic extendable module is embedded. The IOT based Appliances provide the service of identification. Similar to the EPC network, the corresponding home appliance description data with RFID unique number can be obtained from the Internet and manufacture. The CloudHome as a Service (HaaS) Server is proposed to provide the user interface for client users, storage all the information or data corresponding to the specific house, and query the function information of individual home appliance.

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