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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

A Review Paper on Artificial Intelligence & Its Applications

( Volume 13 Issue 2,August 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ayush Lata, Ankesh Gupta


Artificial intelligence, digitalization


In olden days, there was all work   done by the humans because that time there was not such technologies like these days. In those days, science is not too much developed and technology was not invented. So all the work was totally dependent on the persons and humans are recognized that “Today ‟s science is the tomorrow’s technology”. New advanced technologies are the blessing of god. Appropriate inventions for reducing the human work load and bright future will be invented which i   s known as Artificial Intelligence. There were many myths at the early stage  when we are tending towards a new era of absolute  technology and superior science.

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