T R A C K       P A P E R

World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

A Review Study on Computer Virus

( Volume 14 Issue 5,May 2022 ) OPEN ACCESS

Priya Bhargava, Rahul Choudhary, Ankesh Gupta


Computer, Virus, flash drive, hard disk and network medium, computer security


As we all aware of the word computer virus. What we know is that it is a virus that affect computer system  but we don’t know how it works and how it affect  our computer system sometimes it also effect the hard disk , and also sometimes it stole the data from our your system and send to others. A computer virus is a piece of software which attaches itself to another program causing inadmissible effect on the program. Based on the supplied survey  the result indicated that viruses can infect computer system through a number of ways such as exchange of flash drive, hard disk and network medium. This paper contains an overview of the computer virus that can help the reader to evaluate the threat that computer viruses pose. The extent of this threat can only be determined by analyzing many different factors.  Based upon the research, the development of a computer virus seems to require more persistence than professional experience. Recommendations are made to assist computer users in preventing bug by computer viruses. These recommendations support general computer security practices as a means of warring to computer viruses.

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