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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

A Study of Effect on Mechanical Properties of Standard Concrete by Using Jhama Brick Coarse Aggregates

( Volume 12 Issue 2,February 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ravi Sharma, Mr. Sanjeev Sipani, Dr. Vishnu Sharma


Silica Fume, Jhama Brick, strength, Durability etc.


Concrete is considered the world’s most used construction material. Typical concrete mixtures are comprised of water, sand, cement and an aggregate of rock.Cement manufacturing industries emits 5% of global carbon di-oxide which in turns leads to the main causes for the global warming. To reduce the effects, we can replace the cement with industrial by- product like silica fume, fly-ash and so on.

It can be understand in different aspect that it is a utilization of such waste materials in the production of a kind of useful product and also following the concept 3R’s of sustainability i.e. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle of discarded or waste things in order to conserve natural resources as available on the earth, which can be further use by the future generation. This concept is exactly the base for sustainable construction.

 In this project we have replaced cement with silica fume and coarse aggregates with Jhama Brick. Silica fume were used to replace 10% of cement by weight. This project presents the effects of Jhama Class Brick inclusion on the mechanical properties of concrete matrix in wet and hardened state properties. For checking mechanical properties of Jhama Class Brick bat-based concrete used partially replacement Jhama class brick to coarse aggregate ratios 0%, 5%, 10%, 15 ,and20% in M 25 grade of concrete.

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