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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Addressing the Causes of Cultism in Nigerian Universities: A Case for the Application of Behavioural-Change Communication Strategies

( Volume 14 Issue 6,June 2022 ) OPEN ACCESS

Chukwurah Gladys O., John-Nsa Chioma A., Isimah Matthew O.


Cultism, Causes, University Community, Nigeria.


Cultism is a serious issue of concern as it has seriously degraded the academic system in Nigerian Universities.  In recent times, the activities of secret cult members in Nigeria tertiary institutions have assumed different negative dimensions. Understanding the root causes of cultism is of importance as a means of finding a lasting solution to it. This study empirically assessed the causes of cultism while making case for the use of behavioural-change communication strategies for curbing cultism in universities of South-East Nigeria. One federal university and a State-owned university: University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) and Enugu State university of Science and technology (ESUT) were used as a representative case study. Survey instruments used include questionnaire, focus group discussions, interviews and opinion survey. About 375 questionnaire was purposively administered to repented cultist.  Using percentage mean score, the result revealed that negative influence of peer group as the first component factor that lead to cultism in the university community. Other identified factors include poor family background, harsh economic situation which arises from corruption and resulted to high level of poverty in the country, among others. This study recommends the use of behavioural-change communication strategies for addressing the identified causes of cultism in Nigerian universities.

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