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World Journal of Research and Review

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Agricultural Cooperative Societies and Poverty Reduction in Zambia: The Case of Kamangango Farmers’ Cooperative Society Limited in Kaoma District

( Volume 7 issue 1,July 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Munzele Paos


This study was conducted to assess the contribution made by agricultural cooperative societies on poverty reduction in Zambia with particular reference to agricultural input supply in Kamangango farmers’ cooperative society Limited in Kaoma district, of Western Province, Zambia. The cooperative society had 70 registered members. The relevant data was collected from 47 randomly selected respondents and analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The study found out that the cooperative society contributed to poverty reduction amongst members by offering agriculture inputs and marketing services, which in turn, increased the members’ disposable incomes and food security. Despite the challenges such as bad roads, high cost of seeds and fertilizers, lack of credit facilities, faced by cooperatives in providing goods and services to its members to fight poverty, the study recommended that the Government and Non-Governmental Organizations should encourage the formation of more cooperatives for improved service delivery to members.

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