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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

An Examination of Sources of Noise Pollution in Cities in Nigeria

( Volume 11 Issue 1,July 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ebiwari Wokekoro


Noise, Pollution, Sources, Cities, Nigeria.


This study examined the sources of noise pollution in Nigeria. The study adopted survey research design. The target population of the study was the adult urban residents. Data were obtained through a structured questionnaire, observation, photographs and from key informants. The purposive and convenient sampling techniques were utilised to select the respondents.The questionnaire was designed using google form and distributed to respondents through respondents’ emails and WhatsApp phone numbers. Sixty one questionnaires were retrieved and analysis was based on the responses from the questionnaire. The results were analysed with descriptive statistics. The study revealed that the major source of noise pollution in Nigeria is generator noise. This was closely followed by automobiles, industries, religious centres, musical equipment and sources of noise pollution. The study concludes there are numerous sources of noise pollution in cities in Nigeria that negatively impact humans and the urban environment. The study recommends that noise pollution can be significantly reduced by law, advocacy, prevention by the polluter and through polluters pay principle.

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