T R A C K       P A P E R

World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

An Experimental Study on Self-Compacting M-30 Grade Concrete Using PEG

( Volume 8 Issue 6,June 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Abhishek Sharma, Dr. Bharat Nagar


In general concrete is a man-made material, most widely used building material in the construction industry. It consists of a rationally chosen mixture of binding material such as cement, well-graded fine and coarse aggregate, water and additives (to make specimen with required characteristics). Self-curing is done in order to fulfill the water requirements of concrete whereas self-compacting concrete is prepared so that it can be placed in difficult positions and congested reinforcements. This investigation is aimed to utilize the benefits of both self-curing as well as self-compacting. The present investigation involves self-compacting self-curing concrete is achieved by using polyethylene glycol at a rate of 0%, 1%, and 2%. The various mechanical properties like compressive strength and tensile strength is considered. The test results were analyzed at different temperatures both inside and outside the laboratory for air curing. It is analyzed that the optimum dosage of 1% of PEG contributes higher strength. Workability tests i.e. slump flow, T50, V-funnel, , L-box were conducted on the fresh concrete whereas water retention and compressive strength were evaluated to determine the properties of hardened concrete. Comparative studies were carried out for water retention and compressive strength for conventional SCC and self-cured SCC. The compressive strength of self-cured SCC is comparable with old-fashioned cured specimens at lower w/c ratio whereas does not provide satisfactory results at higher w/c ratio.

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