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World Journal of Research and Review

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Analysing Impact of Sand Mining in Ekiti State, Nigeria Using GIS for Sustainable Development

( Volume 6 Issue 2,February 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

A.A.Atejioye ,C.A.Odeyemi


This study is based on the impact of sand mining within Ado Ekiti metropolis. Four locations were chosen for this research. The paper aim at analysing the extent and amount of sand been mined in the study areas. A Global Position System (GPS) unit was used to acquire the coordinates and elevations of the mined site areas this is to enable the researchers produce a topographical map and extents of the degraded (mined) areas.To determine the volume of sand mined in the study areas, a Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) analysis was carried out using ArcGIS software. The result obtained from topography shows that the volume of sand mined in Afao, Ijan, and Federal Polytechnic, Ado was 3,624,000m3, 1,342,500m3, 510,780m3 respectively. However, the result of this research will go to great extent in assisting in the developing sustainable development policies in term of discriminatory sand mining.

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