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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Analysis of Remanufacturing System with Server Vacation

( Volume 3 Issue 6,December 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

H. KlvancAksoy


Product recovery management deals with the collection of used and discarded products and explores the opportunities to remanufacture the products, reuse the components or recycle the materials. Remanufacturing operations involved with highly uncertain recovery rate of used products and parts that complicate the planning and control of the process. Also, recovery operations tend to be labor intensive that lead to significant variability in the processing times at various shop floor operations. To reduce the effect of these uncertainties we need to employ server operation policy. This paper considers the performance of the remanufacturing system with finite buffers and random time-span server vacations. The term server vacation may be used to cases where the server leaves the primary queuing system to work on an external workload for a random duration every time the server becomes idle. We model the remanufacturing system as an open queuing network and use the decomposition principle and expansion methodology to analyze it.

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