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World Journal of Research and Review

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Analysis of The Physicochemical Properties of Carica Papaya, Citrus Paradisi and Croton Zambesicus Seed Oils and Their Applications

( Volume 6 Issue 2,February 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Akpe Michael Akomaye, Oyo-Ita Inyang E. , Dosunmu Miranda I


Oil was extracted from three Nigerian local plant seeds namely: Carica papaya, Citrus paradise and Croton zambesicus using n-hexane and their physicochemical properties determined. The result of the analysis showed thgeir percentage oil yield to be C. papaya (22.00), C. paradisi (28.00) and C. Zambesicus (27.00). The three seed oils were liquid at room temperature and their odour non-offensive. The specific gravities were 0.92 for C. papaya and C. Zambesicus, and 0.93 for C. paradise. The flash point in oC were C. papaya (148.00), C. paradise (256.00) and C. Zambesicus (242.00). The acid values were 4.20, 3.93 and 2.43 for C. papaya, C. paradisi and C. Zmbesicus respectively. The peroxide values were: C. papaya (1.66), C. paradisi (19.74) and C. Zambesicus (9.26). The saponification values were: C. papaya (234.22), C. paradise. (204.77) and C. Zambesicus (210.66). The iodine values were: C. papya (25.38), C. paradisi (16.12) and C. Zambesicus (52.03). These results suggest that the three seeds may be viable sources of oil based on their % yield. The studied properties of the oils in most cases compete favourable with Elais guinensis seed oil (PKO) which is presently used for many domestic and industrial purposes in Nigeria especially for the production of paints, cosmetics, soap, lubricants and varnishes.

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