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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Application and Significance of Firefly Algorithm for Multi-Objective Job Shop Scheduling

( Marudhar Engineering College National Conference NCMESIT,November 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ganesh Kumar Kantak,Arvind Singh, Arshad Ansari, Abhijit Kumar , Mahesh Singh


job shop scheduling, Firefly Algorithm, Benchmark, metaheuristic.


Present Study emphasis on the traditional scheduling problem of machines and jobs with modern solution technique. Job Shop scheduling is one of the typical types of traditional & dynamic scheduling problem. This research work focused on the application and use of a new nature inspired approach Firefly Algorithm based on the intensity of light of fireflies as solution and optimization technique for the scheduling problem. In this paper we proposed a meta-heuristic to solve the multi-objective job-shop scheduling problem. Introduced solution approach follows the flashing behavior of the fireflies to explore the global best among all locals. A comparative validation is also made in this research work with some benchmark problems. The results outcomes focused and clearly show the effectiveness of this approach to meet the solution for the multi objective job shop scheduling problems. For the representation of solution for an individual problem Gant chart is used, it provides clear visualization for the optimal solution obtained and to aid comparison with other solutions.

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