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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Application of Modern Information Technologies in The Teaching of Technical Culture in Order to Improve the Teaching Process

( Volume 8 Issue 2,February 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Safet Velić, Sejfo Papić, Samra Isić


This paper deals with the application of information technologies in the teaching of technical culture in the elementary school education system. The structure of the problem is the computer literacy of teachers and insufficiently developed IT infrastructure, ie. insufficient equipment of the cabinet of technical culture in regard to information technologies. The subject of research in this paper is the improvement of the teaching process using modern information technologies in the teaching of technical culture, and the aim of the research is to examine the application of modern information technologies in the teaching of technical culture in order to improve the teaching process. The paper uses the results of research on the application of modern information technologies in the teaching of technical culture in order to improve the teaching process which showed that the cabinets of technical culture in the majority of elementary schools in Canton Sarajevo are not equipped with IT equipment sufficiently. The teachers' survey contains a quantitative technique that answers the question of how often modern information technologies are used and also a qualitative technique we used to determine which modern information technologies are applied, why and how. For the scale of the assessment of the opinions of students, a quantitative technique was used for a scale of 1-5 for each assertion made. The sample includes 114 respondents, 100 of which are students in the eight and ninth grades of elementary schools "Kovačići" and "Grbavica I" in Sarajevo and 14 of which are teachers of technical culture in elementary schools in Sarajevo Canton

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