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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Applying New Strategy with Key Features to Enhance Students Performance Using E-Assessment Methods Secure Data

( Volume 6 Issue 1,January 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Dr.Ghossoon M.W. ALSadoon


With the recent rapid development and growth in information technology, the profile of student learners has changed [1], and the teachers need to improve their quality of teaching and learning to synchronize with the developing growth in technology. In this research paper, confidentiality, integrity and availability (c-i-a) model was used to secure the information of students as well as teachers. Using c-i-a model, the main emphasis was on the security goals which are precise to online summative and formative assessment methods, authorization of students and receiving the feedback in a confidential way respecting the privacy of the individual. Also, the teacher needs to secure the data and enhance the student performance as a part of improvement in the progress evaluation methods relevant to the associated disciplines, thus providing students more skills and values. The new teaching strategy evolves around ensuring that adequate academic and/or professional standards are achieved by students through implementing appropriate e-assessment methods, namely formative and summative assessments. In this research paper, the online feedback obtained from the formative assessment is found to enhance the students’ performance in the summative assessment with security techniques for marking, grading and assessment of their knowledge, abilities and skills in privacy. The conclusions that when used online environment after applying the c-i-a concepts its increate the security level for the data and from unauthorized students. In addition, the students’ enhanced positively their performance after design and implementing the new strategy techniques and adding new key features. as well as increased their performance to achieve the cilo’s satisfying the pilo’s respectively. Also, the author recommended finding the new appropriate features to enhance their performance.

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