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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Augmented Adipofascial Flap for Soft Tissue Cover of Open Tibial Fractures : A Case Report

( Volume 2 Issue 6,June 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Otei O O, Ozinko M, Ekpo R, Anthony Udosen , Amah P 0


This is the management of a 30-year-old male student, a passenger on a motor cycle who had an open tibial fracture. He was resuscitated by the Accident and Emergency doctors before the Orthopeadic and Plastic surgery units were invited to take over the management. The fracture was reduced and maintained with external fixators by the Orthopeadic surgeons and an augmented fascial flap and a split thickness skin graft were used to cover the fracture by the plastic surgical team. The wounds healed in three weeks and the fracture united in four months.

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