T R A C K       P A P E R

World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Biology and Philosophy IV. The Presocratics.

( Volume 7 issue 4,October 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Juan S. Gómez-Jeria


Inner speech is examined and it is suggested that its appearance is limited to all or only some ‘Homo sapiens-with Neanderthal DNA-with Denisovan DNA’ mixed-breeds. The time relationships for Homo clausus, Homines aperti and animal-Homo are commented. Next, the appearance of the presocratic philosophers at Miletus and environs is analyzed trying to find a reasonable hypothesis explaining Thales’ work. An attempt to resemble the processes that produce sudden changes in Ionian poetry with those that 'produced' Thales’ works was unsuccessful. Archilochus’ works look like the product of poetic influences from the geographical environment (Middle East, Egypt, Crete, Persia). In the case of Thales, it seems that he was the right man at the right time and place since he was able to put in written form what he had learned in Egypt and Babylonia. I suggest as a basal cause of Archilochus’ and Thales’ works a biological predisposition manifested as, for example, curiosity or a need to share aspects of their Homo clausus with others.



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