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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Biology and Philosophy. VII. Sokrates, the Demigod

( Volume 9 Issue 1,July 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Juan S. Gómez-Jeria


I use the cylinder-ladder model presented in the previous paper of this series to present and defend the thesis that Sokrates was placed in a step much higher than those that were occupied by almost all mortals regarding the degree of perception of reality and that he could perfectly be situated in the category of ‘demigod’ as defined in this paper. Plato´s Apology is considered the most probable and unique Sokratic-like text. Furthermore, I claim that Sokrates knew that he was (relatively) wiser than those around him due to its higher position on the cylinder-ladder. This last statement opens new questions about the response of the Pythia. Sokrates was clear that his discourse would be understood by his listeners accordingly to the place they occupied in the cylinder-ladder model. This is the reason because, after Sokrates death, so many different Socratic schools appeared. Finally, I firmly hold the idea that one day we will discover that our knowledge of Sokrates has not grown one iota since his death. Sokrates seems to be the first known Western stonecutter/ stonemason whose raw material is men.



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