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World Journal of Research and Review

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Border Alert System for Fishermen Using GPS System

( Volume 2 Issue 5,May 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Asif Iqbal Mulla, Sushanth K J, Prashanth Kumar H R, Abubakar Shameez


The livelihood of fishermen is such that he crosses the country border unknowingly and poses threats to them by being killed or captured. The sea borders between countries are not easily identifiable which is the main reason behind this problem. “Border alert system for fisherman using GPS” describes about a system which helps the fishermen by notifying the country border. Global Positioning System (GPS) and Global system for mobile communication (GSM) are used for this purpose. Here GPS receiver is used to find the current location of the fishing boat. Using GPS, present latitude and longitude values are sent to microcontroller unit. Later the controller unit identifies the current location by comparing the present latitude and longitudinal values with the predefined value. After the comparison, border alert system aware the fishermen that they are about to reach the nautical border. The region is divided into normal zone and warning zone. When the boat is in normal area, the LCD displays normal zone. Thus they can make it clear that the boat is in normal area. In case if it moves further and reaches the warning zone, the LCD displays warning zone.

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