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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Burnout and School Performance: A Study among Students in The Region of Beni Mellal (Morocco)

( Volume 6 Issue 6,June 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Hicham Chahid, Pr. Ahmed Omar Touhami Ahami, Pr.Fatiha Chigr, Pr.Mohamed Najimi


To maintain a good school performance, students must generally make sustained efforts over a long period of time considering frequency of evaluations. Thus, their desire to maintain or achieve good grades can lead them to stressful situations. This study aims at assessing the level of the school burnout and its relationship with the students’ school performance in the Moroccan region of Béni-Mellal. To do this, a total of 400 students (54% girls and 46% boys); at different grade levels and branches; were invited to complete questionnaires on a voluntary basis and anonymity: a Burnout Inventory questionnaire (School Burnout Inventory) adapted to the school environment, a school performance record and a listing of clinical information. As a result, the findings are twofold: First, the prevalence of school burnout is High by taking into account the mean of burnout scores (3,8 for exhaustion at school, 3,2 for Cynism and 3,6 for inadequacy at school) and by taking account the level of exhaution (40% Heavily exhausted). Second, the burnout leads to a reduction in the students’ school performance, and the later, in its turn, can influence the feeling of school burnout. Third, school burnout varies by gender, so girls are at higher risk than boys. In this respect, it is hoped that further studies should be conducted so as to explore other factors that may have an impact on school performance, such as the parents’ educational level or the students’ reduplication.

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