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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Colon Cancer Screening: Knowledge and Attitudes in a Jamaican Population and Physicians

( Volume 4 Issue 5,May 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Michael G. Lee, Elsa F. Brown, Mike O. Mills, Christine A. Walters


Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common cancers worldwide. Screening is effective in reducing mortality but uptake for screening has been low due to lack of awareness and other barriers. This study determined the awareness and knowledge among the public and physicians, of CRC screening in Jamaica.Members of the general public and physicians were studied regarding knowledge and attitude towards CRC, screening, barriers to screening, and physician’s practices regarding screening. There were 324 general subjects and 57 physicians studied.Of the general subjects, 14% had no knowledge about CRC screening, 69% did not know enough and 17% knew about it. Also, 69% were unawareabout recommendations for screening, 31.8%were unaware of available screening tests and 77.8% of the others indicated colonoscopy. However, 60% would do screening if recommended by their family physicians.Although most physicians (98%) considered CRC screening important, screening was discussed with patients,some of the time in 58%, rarely or never in 21% and only if there are risk factors in 7%. Most physicians (95%) indicated that there were barriers to screening, the main being costin 69%, failure of doctors to advise patients,16% and availability of screening tests, 8%. In conclusion awareness and knowledge about CRC screening was lacking in the population studied. There was inadequate communication by physicians to patients regarding screening. Routine counseling on screening is needed to improve screening rates. Health authorities urgently need to develop programmes to improve public awareness and guidelines for CRC screening.

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