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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Competence of Imitation Brain: A Study of Reasoning Power of Computer and an Analytical Study of Sentimentalities of Human’s Emotions using Python

( Volume 14 Issue 5,May 2022 ) OPEN ACCESS

Rachana Kumari, Raghav Sharma, Ankit Kumar Tiwari


Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Neural Network, Natural Language Processing


We humans are creative and the innovative nature of ours shows nothing but our intellectual ability. And if we want our appliances having same intellectual ability as us then it is called AI (artificial intelligence). Now-a-days AI has been assimilated with all the technologies i.e., it has even in our wrist watches also and this technology is in all demand and intensifying rapidly. It is used in every field and there they are used to foretelling everything from our test in music to our fitness for a job or in medical field or an educational opportunity and everything.

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