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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Competency and Performance Gap between Executive and Non-Executive Employees of Banks in Kerala, India

( Volume 12 Issue 6,June 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Ramkumar T Balan


Competency, Performance, Executives, Non-Executives, Skills, Linear regression, logistic model.


This paper assesses the Competency and Performance of bank employees of Four banks in Kerala, India. The gap in the performance and competency of executive and non- executive employees of the banks were determined. The linear regression model is estimated on dimensions of this efficiency measures. Also logistic regression models on competency and performance for executive and non-executive employees were identified. The dimensions of effectiveness of employees in a banking work place on both groups were compared. The gap in the characteristics of two sets of employees is illustrated for various demographic groups.  



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