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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Consumer Pattern and Elderly Consumer Behavior: A Meta-Analysis

( Volume 12 Issue 4,April 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Vania Eugenia da Silva, Karla Maria Damiano Teixeira


Consumer behavior, Consumption pattern, Elderly people, Meta-analysis


This study undertakes a meta-analysis of the literature to gain insight into existing empirical studies on consumption patterns and consumption behavior of elderly consumers. Web of Science platform was used as database, with a time frame starting in 2001. In addition, the VOSviewer program was used to elaborate and visualize bibliometric networks. The results suggest that there are few studies regarding the consumption pattern. There is a slightly larger number of studies with an economic focus regarding the behavior of the elderly consumers. However, these numbers are still not very expressive. Most of the studies were carried out in the business area, followed by the economics area. This meta-analysis provides comprehensive evidence to understand the behavior and perception of the elderly people in relation to credit consumption, some types of food, products developed to facilitate mobility, new household technologies, clothing, among others. In this sense, studies that aim to understand the elderly consumer, their different needs and how they manage their family budget and monthly expenses are relevant for public policies to be created and implemented to support this population.



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