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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Contrast Stretching and Improved Dark Channel Prior Method Based Image Defogging

( Volume 9 Issue 1,July 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Neelam Dadhich, Mrs. Manju Mathur


Digital images are used by most computer applications. Digital picture processing (DIP) plays a major role in the digital process of data analysis and interpretation. Outdoor scenes images and videos are mostlypretentious by bad endure conditions like haze, fog, mist, etc. It will lead to poor scene visibility due to lack of quality. This document presents a survey of different picture defogging methods to expel the haze from the pictures of fog trapped in the real globe to recover a quick and improved nature of pictures free of fog. We have proposed a new approach in this work that will efficiently resolve insufficient approximation of haze thickness as well as color cast difficulties.It is possible to generate a high-quality image throughstrong visibility as well as vivid color. In this paper, the contrast enhancement techniques are a charity to enlargethe range of brightness standards in a copy so that image may be shown professionally in the manner preferred by the analyst. Owing to bad light or improper location in obtaining the device, the quantity of difference in a picture maychange. Consequently, to compensate for difficulties in image achievement, it is needed to operatethe contrast of an image. The knowledge behind extending contrast is to recoveran energetic range of gray levels in an administered picture.In our proposed work, we enhance our image by applying new Technique contrast stretching (CS) which provide us better results as compared to base techniques. The output image is much clear than the base paper image and follow effect is also reduced. Calculate the SSIM and MSE.

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