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World Journal of Research and Review

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Correlation of Maternal Zinc Levels with Neonatal Zinc and Neonatal Outcomes

( Volume 8 Issue 4,April 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Nurul Amalina, Arni Amir, Roza Sriyanti


Background: The aim of the study determine the correlation of maternal zinc levels with neonatal zinc and neonatal outcomes. Methods: The study was conducted using a cross sectional study. The study was conducted at Independent Midwifery Practice in Mandiangin Sub-district Koto Selayan Bukittinggi City, West Sumatera Province, Indonesia from July-December 2018. The population in this study were a term pregnant women, sample size 54 people. Sampling technique with consecutive sampling. Zinc level examination used atomic absorption spectrophotometry method test. Hypothesis test used pearson correlation. A two-tailed P-value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The results of the study were a negative relationship with a weak strength between maternal zinc levels and neonatal zinc levels. There is no positive relationship between maternal zinc levels and neonatal height. There is a positive relationship with a weak strength between maternal zinc levels and neonatal body weight. There is a negative relationship with a weak strength between maternal zinc levels and neonatal head circumference. Conclusion: There were positive relationship with the weak strength between maternal zinc levels and neoantal zinc levels and nenoatal outcomes: height, weight and neonatal head circumference.

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