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World Journal of Research and Review

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Cross Cultural Validation of the Mini-BESTest into Greek

( Volume 3 Issue 3,September 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Lampropoulou Sofia, Gedikoglou A. Ingrid, Michailidou Christina, Billis Evdokia


Balance Evaluation Systems Test (mini-BESTest) is a newly developed functional scale which combines clinical balance tests already in use, with new items. Its easiness in utility and its ability to detect the affected system of balance control, make it a valuable tool for balance assessment. However, its unavailability in Greek language lead to the need for the cross-cultural adaptation of the scale into Greek, which is the main aim of this study. The mini-BESTest was adapted according to international guidelines of forward and backward translation by four bilingual translators and was piloted to 10 patients with various balance problems, and to 5 licensed physiotherapists for its wording comprehension. The final Greek version (mini-BESTestGR) was tested for its reliability and validity on 122 patients with balance disorders (47 men 75 women, 67±18 years). Two raters administered the scale for its inter-rater reliability and twice in 10 days period for the test-retest reliability. Concurrent (criterion) validity of the scale was assessed by correlation of the scale to the Greek Berg Balance Scale (BBSGR). The construct (convergent) validity was assessed by correlation of the mini-BESTestGR with the Timed Up and Go test (TUG), the Functional Reach Test (FRT), and the Greek Falls Efficacy Scale-International (FES-IGR). The translation process was completed without difficulties and the scale was characterized as safe, simple and easy to be administered. It also showed excellent test-retest (ICC= .966) and inter-rater reliability (ICC= .997) and very strong internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha= .833). Correlation with the BBSGR was very strong (r= .858, p<0.001), while moderate to strong were the correlations of the mini-BESTestGR to the TUG (r=-.746, p<0.001), the FRT (r=.616, p<0.001), the FES-IGR (r=-.527, p<0.001). In conclusion, the excellent psychometric properties of the mini-BESTestGR opens the way for its utility on Greek patients with various balance deficits.

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