T R A C K       P A P E R

World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Determinants of Working Environment, Employee Loyalty and Employee Turnover of ICT- SME Industry

( Volume 5 Issue 5,November 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Mohanad A. M. Kullab, Rezian-na Muhammed Kassim


The SME – ICT industry success or failure partly depends on people in the industry. It has been demonstrated occasion that productivity increase depend on the career development, Also conventionality with encourage employee towards achieving the compensation and rewards. The subsequent of job security and working environment indicate the performance of employee in making the comfortable and happy. Eventually the research question arise what make the employee become loyalty. Therefore, this study examined the problem of career development, compensation and rewards, job security, working environment and employee loyalty. Data was collected and analyzed in terms of descriptive statistics and SEM was used to test the significance of relationship the variables. Result indicates that there was significant relationship among the variable. The entire five hypotheses accepted and recommended that SME- ICT to look in to the strategy that is more competitions by including all the elements from the hypotheses. Thus future research recommended including satisfaction for better career opportunity.

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