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World Journal of Research and Review

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Different Techniques of Acupuncture -Part of the Traditional Chinese Medicine and “Evidence Based Medicine”

( Volume 3 Issue 5,November 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Hamvas Szilard, Havasi Monika, Szoke Henrik, Petrovics Gabor, Hegyi Gabriella MD


Introduction: Dry needling- e.t. Acupuncture- is one of the most accepted CAM therapies, most well-known branch of the Traditional Chinese Medicine, which flows intensive research a few decades in the US, Europe, even in China. Is backed by proven research results of Evidence Based Medicine for properly as well. Objective: To summarize the newer understanding of the mechanism of action and indications with regard to harmonization and closer to the TCM / TCM tenets of contemporary classical Chinese medical applying for. Method: An international literature review, which called CAMmbrella, the Pan - European Union project work package 4. -5. based on its research, which took part in the work of the Department of Complementary Medicine in, Health Science Faculty of Pecs University, as well. Results: Acupuncture and TCM, are one of the most researched area of non–conventional, complementary therapies. We have already demonstrated convincingly established by the management of the majority of acupuncture point physiological responses. The mediator neurohormonal transmitters are already known about now. 40 have been identified which are involved in induced "dry needling" effect. Discussion: The “Bridge” between the Eastern and Western medicine is the appropriate knowledge transfer, research and application. The performance of in-service training is a university competence. Evidence Based Medicine has an efficient and effective use based on the quality of training in-service training, which is conducted in some Universities for more decades. Further development of this training, quality education can only be realistic to achieve the goals (which effectively give rise to a dedicated TCM Confucius Institute Pecs University).

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