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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Dimensions of Environmental Graphic Design: A Socio-Artistic Study of Youth Aged 18-29 in Tehran City

( Volume 5 Issue 2,August 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Maryam Sheykhi


The paper explores the impact of graphic design on youth from different dimensions. The built-environment of the changing world is much the result of the graphic development. It objectively and subjectively influences the youth followed by change in environment. Graphic design plays a major part today to improve the environment and keep it functional for all the sectors of the society with special reference to the youth. The present paper investigates the attitudes of youth towards a healthy environment. Providing solutions for the problems of form, function, usability etc. is widely in association with graphic design practice. The paper investigates how industrialization followed by urbanization changed the life patterns, and graphic and industrial design emerged to save the changing environment. To complete the research, 419 questionnaires were filled in by young students of age range 18-29, which were then tabulated and reflected in brief in the article.

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