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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Divorce and Its Consequences on Family Development

( Volume 11 Issue 4,October 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

Karake Musaja Vincent


Divorce, Family, Consequences, Development.


Divorce is a terribly-unpleasant experience that negatively affects all human relationships: parents, children, relatives, and friends. This devastating event affects parents’ emotional, psychological, social and economic stability. It also impacts parents’ relationship with their offspring. The objective of this article is to find what the root causes of conflicts that result in divorce in Christian families are and the impact of divorce process on family development.

To find the causes of the conflicts, relevant literature by authorities and scholars in the area of Divorce and Marriage was reviewed. Views on factors that affect both parents and their children were taken to be used and compared to results of data critically and synthetically analyzed and interpreted.


In the process to collect data, Qualitative Descriptive research design was used where questionnaire, study guide, and interviews were used to collect data.  Basing on the research objectives, the data collected was coded, analyzed and tabulated.  The data was then interpreted, being answers from 85 respondents involved in the study.

The findings of the research carried out contained in this article showed that among the major causes of divorce are: infidelity, sexuality difficulties among couples, drug abuse, incompatibility, economic status of the family, poor communication, and work-holism. The couple should always remember that forgiveness and respect to each other will go a long way towards fighting the spirit of divorce. It is recommended that the couple always work towards establishing and maintaining good, marital relationship. They should be extra careful how they behave before their children if divorce has actualized. Lastly, they should also be aware of the help that is always available through Counseling.

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