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Early Tracheostomy in Patients – Arterial Blood Gas Changes

( Volume 18 Issue 4,April 2024 ) OPEN ACCESS

Milena dos Santos Rodrigues da Silva, Valdemir Jose Alegre Salles, Antonio Vitor Martins Priante


Tracheostomy, mechanical ventilation, arterial blood gas analysis, intensive care.


Tracheostomy is a surgical procedure that aims to permeabilize the airways in cases of obstruction, for prolonged mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients, to allow bronchopulmonary hygiene, to maintain the airways and to reduce the airways dead space. Objective: To evaluate whether the use of conventional cervical early tracheostomy determines changes in blood gas parameters and clinical outcomes. Methodology and Casuistry: A retrospective study was performed. Data was collected from the medical records of 52 patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Hospital Regional do Vale do Paraíba. The time util the tracheostomy, was performed, surgical complications, the final outcome of the patients and the arterial blood gas parameters.The study group consisted of both gender patients, with a mean age of 59 years (ranged 17–97. Diseases of the Central Nervous System were the most frequent cause of admission in ICU (45 cases). Results: The average time to perform tracheostomies was 12.6 days. The values arterial blood gas tests in the periods D0, D1, D2 and D3 demonstrate a statistical trend to wards improvement in the blood oxygenation rate represented by oxygen values from the second day (D2), with maintenance from the third day (D3). Of the patients admitted to the ICU, 28 (53.8%) were discharged to the hospital ward, while 24 patients (46.2%) died, due to several factors independent of the tracheostomy. Conclusion: The early tracheostomy can be a surgical procedure with a positive influence on the clinical outcomes of critically ill patients admitted to the ICU, in need of invasive mechanical ventilation.



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