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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Educational Planning In Cameroon Higher Education: Issues and Solutions

( Volume 18 Issue 6,June 2024 ) OPEN ACCESS

Amshetu Melo Forchu Nkemleke


Education, Planning, Issues of Higher education, Educational planners, English and French.


Educational planning is key to the realization of education objectives in Cameroon's sub-systems of education in Higher Education. This study discussed the issues facing planning of education in Higher Education in Cameroon. The article identified: inadequate funding of educational planning, inadequate educational planners, lack of data/information, shortage of planning materials, political influence, political instability, and poor capacity development of educational planners as challenges facing the planning of education in all the regions in Cameroon. To resolve these issues, the following were suggested: increment in the funding of educational planning, generation of current data, provision of adequate planning materials, employment of more professional planners, policy continuity, and ensuring constant training and retraining programme for educational planners in both French and English languages in Higher Education.

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