T R A C K       P A P E R

World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Effect of Chopped Glass Fibers on The Strength of Concrete Tiles

( Volume 9 Issue 1,July 2019 ) OPEN ACCESS

Akshaya Kumar Shukla, Dr. Bharat Nagar


The comparative study of fibre glass with test of compressive strength, split-tensile strength and flexural strength were performed on M-30 grade cube and tiles specimen concrete as per norms IS 10262. The size of aggregates used was 20mm maximum. To analyze the effect on compressive strength, flexural strength, split-tensile strength 6 cubes, 6 tiles were casted and tested. A practical result of glass fiber reinforced concrete in the form of concrete tiles was taken into consideration without any special technique was used to produce these tiles. The tiles thickness was 20mm or size of aggregates used was 6mm is maximum. The proportion of mix used was 1:1.80:2.60 and The ratio of water cement kept consistent and the percentage of admixture was varied from .6 to 1.2 to maintain the slump in between 60mm to 120mm. The fibres size used were 5micron meter to 25 micron meter and the fibres were alkali resistant. The experimental study of the short fibres on, compressive strength wet transverse strength and water absorption was carried out. Six full sized tiles 15cm*15cm*2.5cm were tested and the results recorded.

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