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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Effect of Design Parameter of Hydraulic Shock Absorber of Heavy Truck Air Suspension System on Road Surface Friendliness

( Volume 12 Issue 6,June 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Bui Van Cuong, Vi Thi Phuong Thao, Doan Thanh Binh, Nguyen Thanh Cong


Heavy truck, Hydraulic shock absorber, Suspension, Air Spring, Friendliness.


This paper presents an effect analysis of design parameter of hydraulic shock absorber of heavy truck air suspension system on road surface friendliness. In order to analyze the effect of design parameters of a hydraulic shock absorber in combination with an air elastic element of an air suspension system, a dynamic model of both hydraulic shock absorber and air spring is established to determine vertical force. And then this vertical force of an air spring is connected to a quarter-vehicle dynamic model of a heavy truck to analyze the effect of the damping coefficients of hydraulic shock absorber on road surface friendliness. A dynamic load coefficient (DLC) is chosen to analyze road surface friendliness. The design parameters of shock absorber respectively are analyzed and evaluated its effect on road surface friendliness. The results indicate that the value of hydraulic shock absorber damping coefficient has a significant effect on the ability to reduce vibrations to the road surface. 



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