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Effect of Hydrogenation on Optical Transmission and Energy Bandgap of Mg/Al Thin Films

( Marudhar Engineering College National Conference NCMESIT,November 2020 ) OPEN ACCESS

M. K. Jangid, S.S. Sharma, D. Mathur, Y.C. Sharma


Thin Film, Annealing, Hydrogenation, Transmission, Energy Band gap.


Bilayer Mg/Al (150nm) thin film were prepared by using D.C. magnetron sputtering unit. The prepared films were rapid thermal annealed (RTA) using halogen lamp to get a homogeneous mixture of bilayer thin films. To see the effect of hydrogenation on optical properties of Mg/Al thin films, hydrogen gas was introduced at different hydrogen pressure (20 & 40 psi) in the hydrogen chamber, where samples were kept. The UV–Vis transmission spectra of thin films with and without hydrogenation were carried out at room temperature in the visible range of wavelength (300 to 800nm). The variation in the optical band gap was noted after hydrogenation and found to be increased with hydrogen pressure. Hence it was suggested that optical band can be tailored using hydrogen gas in thin films structure. All investigations indicates that Mg/Al thin films can be used for hydrogen storage purpose.

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