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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Effects of Caffeine and Coffee on Incident Heart Failure in General Population. Role of the CYP1A2 -163C>A Polymorphism

( Volume 5 Issue 1,July 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Edoardo Casiglia, Valerie Tikhonoff, Federica Albertini, Martina Montagnana, Elisa Danese, Alberto Mazza, Jacopo Favaro, Francesco Finatti, Marco Benati, Lucia Dal Maso, Federica Gasparotti, Paolo Spinella, Paolo Palatini


This study investigates in epidemiological setting the effects of chronic caffeine and coffee intake on incident heart failure (HF) across the –163C>A polymorphism of CYP1A2 gene, mediating caffeine metabolism. We studied 1,475 unselected subjects from general population aged 60.0±16.7 years, genotyped for CYP1A2 –163C>A polymorphism and divided into fast (AA homozygous) and slow (C-carriers) caffeine metabolizers. Daily caffeine intake was calculated from a questionnaire and a dietary diary. Events due to HF were recorded during a 12-year follow-up. Multivariate Cox regression adjusted for confounders was used for statistical analysis. In the whole cohort, HF incidence decreased with increasing caffeine intake (hazard ratio, HR, 0.998, 95% confidence intervals, CI, 0.996-0.999, p=0.02). After stratifying by sex and genotype, this effect was still detectable in C-carrier men only (OR 0.994, CI 0.990-0.998, p=0.01). No effect was observed in women and in AA men. Cox estimates were significantly higher for coffee than for caffeine both in the whole cohort and in C-carrier men. At a population level, caffeine intake is protective against HF occurrence in slow-metabolizer men, and innocuous in other subjects. The protective effect of coffee is greater than that of mere caffeine.



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