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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Effects of Child Abuse on Primary Education. A Case Study of Some Selected Primary Schools in Zuru Local Government

( Volume 6 Issue 2,February 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Yohanna J A, Muhammad A M


The research study was conducted on the effects of child abuse on primary education with the objectives of finding out how iteffects primary education ofpupils in Zuru Local Government area of kebbi state. Simple random sampling technique was used to collect data from the respondents using sixty (60) structured questionnaires. Responses obtained were analyzed using simple descriptive statistics comprising frequency tables and percentages. The study discovered that Low academic achievements, truancy, absenteeism, drug abuse , delinquency, theft, prostitution and drop out from schools by the pupils were found to be the major challenges among the school pupils in the study are, and that poverty, illiteracy, hawking, gambling, drug abuse, trading and farming were contributory to the causes of child abuse in the area. Parents, teachers and child caregivers were found to mostly involve in child abuse in the area and that physical and emotional abuses were prominent in the area. A conclusion was therefore drawn from the research work that the school pupils in the study area were beset with a number of problems which hinder their academic suit and whose future is quite very blink and endangered just as well the future of the community they belong to. Therefore research study recommended that parents should be enlightened on proper parenting, uplifting of the community’s socio-economic level, staging of adequate family planning seminars, adoption of psycho therapies on the pupils deserving such, involvement of government, religious institutions and non-governmental organizations forming part of the stakeholders such as the UNICEF, NAPTIP and WOTCLEF for child abuse control in the study area.

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