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Effects of pond, Kapra Lake and Mini Tank Bund Lake waters on some biochemical studies in germinating wheat seedlings

( Volume 2 Issue 5,May 2016 ) OPEN ACCESS

Beerbin Yadav, R. Deepak Reddy, B. Dinesh , MK. Sukumaran


The present study was initiated to examine the sensitivity of wheat seed germination in pond water, Kapra Lake and Mini tank bund Lake waters under laboratory conditions. It was observed that the content of total sugar, reducing sugar and protein was higher in wheat that were germinated in different concentrations (10, 50 and100%) of pond water as compared to wheat germinated in Kapra Lake and Mini Tank Bund Lake water. The enzyme activity of amylase and peroxidase was higher in wheat that was germinated in 50% pond water compared to Kapra Lake and Mini Tank Bund Lake water (50 % concentration).

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