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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Enhancing Savings and Loans Association Model as A Way of Promoting Rural Based Micro Enterprises

( Volume 6 Issue 5,May 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Dickens .v. Mutumbisha


The purpose of this study was to establish the factors that enhance Savings and Loans Associations as a way of promoting Micro Enterprise Development among the poor in rural Masaiti District. The research was based on the following general objective; The General objective of the study was: To establish factors that enhance Savings and Loans Association as a way of promoting rural based Micro Enterprise Development. The specific objectives of the study were: a) To identify the challenges facing the model regarding the performance of the groups; b) To establish the factors that enhanced the performance of the Savings and Loans Association model; c) To determine whether the model could improve the entrepreneurism skills among the rural community. Findings of the study revealed that consistent in capacity building of Savings and Loans Association groups in entrepreneurship skills through continuous on site mentoring played a positive role on the establishment of micro enterprise development among the rural poor in Masaiti District. Finally the study recommended that in order to attain full development and financial accessibility among the rural poor and other vulnerable groups, the government should adapt this model as part of the curriculum in all higher learning institutions as well as Ministries that provide socio – economic services to the most vulnerable members of society This is because the model provided sustainable strategies to the most vulnerable members of society aimed at improving their quality of life. Evidence is there in Masaiti District for everyone to see on how the once vulnerable members have been empowered economically through the use of Savings and Loans Association Model.

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