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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Equipment Level of Technical Education/Culture Classrooms in Accordance With Pedagogical Standards for Primary Education and Norms of School Space in The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

( Volume 6 Issue 5,May 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Safet Velic, Sejfo Papic, Zulfo Ahmetovic


Full standardization that is adequate to the goal and function of teaching technical contents in primary schools still hasn’t been done in the educational system of Bosnia & Herzegovina. An equipped classroom in accordance with the pedagogical standards for primary education and norms of school space in schools of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and which is the case in all of Bosnia and Herzegovina, doesn’t come even close to the accepted standards and norms. Classrooms, in which a systematic, non-experimental observation of the degree of readiness to hold a class in has been held, have shown a disturbing lack of tools and equipment needed to hold a successful lecture. For a more detailed and all-encompassing work in the field, several changes have to be made: material-technical basis of work (equip schools with teaching aids, materials, adequate tools and machines for specialized work), teaching plans and programs (reduce the comprehensive curricula, and adjust it to the age of the pupils), didactic-methodic basis of work, and the stands in most important factors in educational work (students and teachers). Curriculum and syllabi for this subject need adjusting with the psycho-physical age of the learner and in that way allow them to follow trends in technology, and in return they’d be more included in the process of realization of the subject. It is necessary to modernize the class, focus the teaching onto the learner, and secure constant learning opportunities to the teachers through seminars and education on various techniques and technologies that can be applied in teaching. Keeping in touch with the times we live in, following the latest technological advancements and applying them in the teaching process is the path that education has to follow.

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