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World Journal of Research and Review

( A Unit of Nextgen Research Publication)

Ethical leadership of Bank Employee: Does Employee Engage?

( Volume 4 Issue 5,May 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Mohammed Bullama Gaji , Rezian-na Muhammed Kassim


The purpose of this qualitative exploratory case study was to identify the real phenomena about employee engagement and ethical leader strengthen to provide as a framework for building potential . With the assistance of the Human resource Department, this study identified and conducted tele-conversation with 10 executives who had at least 5 years’ experience in the banking industry. Four females and six males were volunteered to participate. The conversation were recorded, resourcefully transcribed, and reviewed by an external reviewer. Focus of the interviews was driven by two major research questions: How and why does the ethical leadership important to banking sector? : How and why does the ethical role model important for employee engagement. As a result, ethically accept constitutes leaders and similarities that exist in how these managers from banking sector conceptualize ethical leadership. The information uncover that to most respondents, ethically leaders is vital in light of the individual itself. Above all else, ethical leader role model are consideration to acquire particular (good) qualities, which are communicated from beginning to end and induced from the leaders 's own moral basic leadership relationship between employees. While other respondents' perspectives on why it is precisely involves being such an 'ethical individual' verified various likenesses, open communication and trustworthiness. Policy maker in the banking sectors can include the role model of good practices of leadership that increase level of ethical leadership. The policies also will have an effect on future recruitment, train and retrain which can develop ethical culture and employee engagement due to world globalization and mobility of people. Future study could focus on the other types of leadership and other industries such of self leadership at micro economic level such as the gig economic whereby entrepreneur lead-leaders themselves with ethical value in small organization that effect the employee engagement

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