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World Journal of Research and Review

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Evaluating The Frequency of The Published Study Designs in The Field of Safety Promotion And Injury Prevention During The Last Three Decades (1985-2015)

( Volume 4 Issue 4,April 2017 ) OPEN ACCESS

Hajar Nazari Kangavari, Ali Habibi, Siamak Sabour


Background: Study design is classified generally into two categories: observational and Interventional. The aim of this study is to determine the frequency of the published study designs in the fields of safety promotion and injury prevention regarding to the continents during the last three decades. METHODS: In this review article, all published papers in Pubmed from 1984 to 2015 in the field of safety promotion and injury prevention were studied.We used the following keywords for our search: "Road traffic","burning","drowning","fall"and"violence".The total number of articles in this field were 115 manuscripts. Results: We showed that the most published papers in this field, were conducted in America. About 67% of all studies and 78% of all intervention studies have been conducted in the continent of America and Europe. Asia shared 9% of intervention studies and Iran shared 3.6% of the studies which have been conducted in this area. Conclusion: Considering the current situation in developed compared to developing countries, if one of the goals of the national health system to be health promotion in the society, the current status in terms of study design that are running, cannot results in safety in this field.

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