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World Journal of Research and Review

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Evaluation of Food Qualities of Pap (Akamu) Obtained From Diverse Maize Flour Processing Methods: Implication for Farmers Education

( Volume 7 issue 4,October 2018 ) OPEN ACCESS

Isirima Chekwa Ben , Ukpong Godwin U.


The study was to determine the effect of different processing methods on maize flour / pap quality and acceptability. In this study a laboratory analysis was conducted to determine food value of maize flour obtained with the use of various processing methods. The laboratory analysis was done according to America Official Analytic Chemists (AOAC). A second part of the work involved a consumer acceptability test using a seven point hedonic rating scale. A completely randomize design (CRD) with four (4) treatments, each replicated three (3) times was employed to level of consumer acceptability of flour and pap obtained. Treatment A involved Blanching of maize grains whereas treatment B, C, and D, fermentation of grain in potash solution, fermentation in daily use of fresh water and fermentation of grain in fresh water without daily changes. A well-structured questionnaire designed in a 7-point hedonic rating scale format was the administered to population sample of twenty (20) consumers panelist. Results obtained from the study shows that flour and pap obtained from maize grains treated with the varied fermentation processes had significant difference in moisture content, crude protein, crude fiber, ether extract, dry matter, ash, calcium and magnesium. The organoleptic study showed that consumers preferred flour and pap gotten from potash solution fermentation process for its color and taste, however the consumers also relished the taste of pap obtain from daily use of fresh–water maize grain fermentation technique. Fermentation of maize in daily use of fresh water and fermentation in potash solution is considered most appropriate maize flour processing, especially where the producers target is to increase protein value of the foodstuff but where color in addition to taste and relatively high protein level is needed then use of regulated quantity of potash should be considered.

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